One of the best things about the FRF(UK) is the opportunity the National Governing Body (NGB) provides for the community to directly shape the development of the sport. This is one of the most important features of an NGB that distinguishes it from a commercial enterprise.  

An NGB like the FRF(UK) exists to represent and protect the interests of all stakeholders in the community.  For the FRF(UK) the interests of the community is the ‘end’ of everything we do.  

Our Articles of Association and Constitution state that the FRF(UK)’s directors and officers are confirmed/elected and held accountable by our membership.  Members also have protected rights, for example rights to vote and be consulted.

Commercial enterprises have shareholders, not members, with protected rights over the governance of the organisation.  Unlike an NGB, a commercial enterprise is created and run to further the interests of its shareholders.  Sometimes the interests of the shareholders and the community align, but when they don’t…….

Another feature that distinguishes an NGB from a commercial enterprise is what happens to excess revenue.

An NGB like the FRF(UK) is a ‘Company Limited by Guarantee’.  This means that any excess revenue generated by the NGB must be retained in the organisation and used to further the interests of the community.  This ensures that revenue generated by the community is used to benefit the community.

A commercial enterprise, on the other hand, exists to generate profits and distribute those profits to the owners.  There is nothing wrong with this, but it remains a fact that for any commercial enterprise the community is a ‘means to an end’ and, unlike an NGB, not an ‘end in itself’.

So, if you believe in the purpose of the FRF(UK) and you want to play a role in shaping the future of the sport, please become a member.  You will vote on important issues, elect officers to key positions, confirm directors in post, have the opportunity to participate in committees, and be consulted.  What commercial enterprise offers you this opportunity?

The FRF(UK) will launch its membership scheme on 30 Apr 24.